Wednesday, 8 January 2014

Digital Literacy for Teaching, Learning & Research Event

Digital Literacy for Teaching, Learning & Research
Wednesday 19 February 2014, 2 – 4.30pm
Institute of Education 

(Open to the BLE Colleges – Birkbeck, IOE, LSHTM, RVC, SOAS, and invitees)

Please book here

Currently, much is being discussed, researched and written about "Digital Literacies" in the University sector. But what does Digital Literacy mean and what effect does the acquisition of these skills have on teaching and research – from the point of view staff and students alike? What is the state of play within the Bloomsbury Colleges regarding this topic, in consideration of the wide range of disciplines and the variety of institutional support services involved? This event, organised for Bloomsbury, seeks to address these questions and more.

Purpose of the event:
To highlight the benefits of supporting digital literacy by presenting examples of best practice.

Aims of this event: 
-to understand the importance of digital literacy
-to consider how best to support staff and students engage with and improve their digital literacy

Intended audience: 
Library/Learning Technology/Learning Support/Academic Support staff; academics; anyone else with an interest in Digital Literacy skills.
Delegates are invite to bring along their own devices (tablets, smartphones, etc).

The event is free, but booking is required. Please book here

IOE; Clarke Hall, Level 3, 20 Bedford Way, London WC1H 0AL, -

1400 Welcome: What is Digital Literacy, why is it important, why do we need to talk about it? (Sarah Sherman, BLE & Kate Squire, RVC)
1415 Digital Literacies as a Postgraduate Attribute (Lesley Gourlay & Nazlin Bhimani, IOE)
1435 Group Activity: Setting the scene in Bloomsbury
1450 Examples of the benefits of supporting digital literacy:
  1. Literacies for Open Practice (Leo Havemann, Birkbeck)
  2. Digital Literacy for Employability (Emma Woods & Federica Oradini, University of Westminster)
  3. @VetQs: an inter-professional veterinary Twitter forum for teaching, revision and lifelong peer communications (Tom Witte & Martin Whiting, RVC)
1550 Group Discussion: How do we achieve better levels of digital literacy in our institutions?
1620 Next steps (Sarah Sherman, BLE)
1630 Close

 If you have any questions please contact Brigitta Goedhuys (BLE Officer) -


  1. There have been lots of interesting projects and ideas relating to digital literacy presented at today’s event. Please reply to this post and tell us about anything that stood out for you and how you think it might alter your own practices or practices at your institution . Please use the following format:

    Kate Squire (you may also chose to remain anonymous)

    Table 1

    Thoughts and ideas

    1. Kate squire
      Leave behind one size fits all idea
      Consider staff experience
      Discuss digital persona,
      consider that digital footprints may already exist
      Create libray/ how to guides -research,
      information evaluation,
      social media guides
      , new technologies,
      management of information,
      ethical use of information
      Embed information literacy in Digital Literacy support
      Provided support in one easy discovery layer If making resources include creative commons licence How to track who is using our OERs -what is being done with it once it's out there? Consider Re usability, revision, collaboration when making resources How do we change academic opinion on sharing materials? Work with student support to consider employability Dig lit workshops for staff Definition of dig lit Amy Bateman -how to use social media for job searches Look at digital edge resources Get more involved with rvc twitter

  2. Alexandra @ Table 5
    The idea of creating a repository of guides for students and staff on how to use digital tools for research and work is a great idea.

  3. Brigitta Table 5
    Scheduling tweets to augment a live lecture

  4. Federica and I enjoyed telling you about Project DigitISE yesterday. Please post any questions for us on here. In the meantime, here are a few links for you to explore:
    Digital Edge page
    Project blog
    Jisc wiki article and video summarising the project
    Digital Edge report in the Journal of Information Literacy

  5. I really liked Nazlin's Libguides for PhD students at the IoE and the Digital literacy for employability. They were both really interesting. I also really want to know where Emma and Federica go their clingy flyers that stick on the wall.

  6. I thought the presentation on using twitter as a tool to develop professionalism in veterinary students really interesting and one which really integrates social media well into the learning process and demonstrates to students how they need to curate their online persona
